Friday, July 1, 2011

Lets get Nutty

I am a Nut for Nuts! Nuts of all kinds, variety is the spice of life. You want to get raw and natural nuts whenever possible, avoid the roasted and flavored varieties as they are packed with sodium and sometimes MSG-Yikes! If you worry about the fat, try Pistachio's they have the lowest fat among the nuts. So many vitamins and minerals are packed into the little nutritional powerhouse called a NUT; potassium, manganese,  & vitamin E to name a few. Nuts are great for Heart Health and help curb your cravings for junk food. I challenge you to replace your candy bar or snack cake with an ounce of nuts every day. One small change in your diet is the start to be coming YOU- ONLY BETTER!
Peace, Love and Knowledge!